Friday, August 10, 2012

University Of Texas Sued For Race As A Factor In Admission

On August 5, 2012 The Daily Texan released an article where an applicant for the University of Texas at Austin was denied admission even though she claims she is just as qualified as those of other ethnicities who were admitted. The article titled “Supremecourt case puts spotlight on UT admissions policy” presents the argument of Abigail Fisher v. University of Texas when she was denied admission. Although Fisher was not in the top ten percent of her class she still claims that her Caucasian ethnicity hindered her admission.

Michael Williams, a Senior African American student studying sociology and applied learning and development, was in the top ten percent of his high school graduating class. During his first year at UT someone told Williams that he would not be at UT if it were not for the top 10 percent rule implying that because he is African American he would have not been admitted. Williams’ comments, “I would hope I would be admitted even if I was not in top ten percent.” The debate on this issue will be presented in the Supreme Court in October.  

Further into the article Williams’ states, “although race is not the only factor in admissions, it is important . . . this is a case that will affect admissions and a lot of schools of higher education . . . it’s not just going to change UT, it’s going to change a nation. I don’t know if students know that.”

Others interviewed for this article debate whether the University of Texas at Austin uses race as a factor in admissions. Although I do not believe that UT would accept or deny a student solely based on race I believe that it does factor in slightly due to the requirement for diversity among higher education.

In order to have the best chance of admission, regardless of top ten percent rule, students need to focus on building their resume, doing extracurricular activities, and just becoming the best overall student you can be. 

1 comment:

  1. Reading "University of Texas Sued For Race As A Factor In Admission" from the blog Don't Mess With Texas, Government, I found the article very pertinent to many of us college students. I took the time to read the article about Abigail Fisher mentioned by Serena as well and found several parallels to Michael Williams' story.
    According to The Daily Texan, the UT Academic Index and Personal Achievement Index evaluate students' eligibility of admission. The Academic Index measures applicants on class rank, curriculum completion and SAT/ACT scores. The Personal Achievement Index is slightly more controversial as it evaluates essays, extracurricular activities, leadership, awards, service and special circumstances which include race and ethnicity.

    Though Serena did not mention it, the article also reports that UT is the only public university to consider race and ethnicity as a factor, Texas A&M and Texas Tech do not. I found this very interesting considering all three are public universities (Texas A&M a partner flagship school). Why is that?

    I did some research and found that reverse discrimination lawsuits are growing in number across America. In an NBC News article "Does Reverse Discrimination Punish Whites?", many lawsuits are now originating on a racial basis. Firefighters, college faculty members, and of course college students are suing on behalf of racial discrimination.

    Roger Clegg makes an excellent point by saying "Quotas do not end discrimination. They are discrimination. The law makes clear that race, ethnicity and sex are not to be a part of who gets a government contract or who gets into a university or where someone goes to school".

    Serena's conclusion is very unbiased and agreeable. She claims that students seeking admission should aim to earn good grades, build their resume and do extracurricular activities. Her overall post is informative and important for college students to be aware of.

    I personally think any sort of racial factor or quota should be prohibited. If we are to end discrimination, we need to stop fostering and providing instances where it is applicable in any way.

